Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Slumburbia - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

From February 10th's "Slumburbia" - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com:

".......a few lessons about urban planning can be picked from the stucco pile.

One is that, at least here in California, the outlying cities themselves encouraged the boom, spurred by the state’s broken tax system. Hemmed in by property tax limitations, cities were compelled to increase revenue by the easiest route: expanding urban boundaries. They let developers plow up walnut groves and vineyards and places that were supposed to be strawberry fields forever to pay for services demanded by new school parents and park users.

Second, look at the cities with stable and recovering home markets. On this coast, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and San Diego come to mind. All of these cities have fairly strict development codes, trying to hem in their excess sprawl. Developers, many of them, hate these restrictions. They said the coastal cities would eventually price the middle class out, and start to empty.

It hasn’t happened. Just the opposite. The developers’ favorite role models, the laissez faire free-for-alls — Las Vegas, the Phoenix metro area, South Florida, this valley — are the most troubled, the suburban slums.

Come see: this is what happens when money and market, alone, guide the way we live."

I wonder what Henry George would say. I also wonder if there is a way more spiteful, 1860's way to say "I told you so."

Land taxation reform is an integral part of a larger Ecological/environmental tax reform policy.

George's Progress and Poverty, full text:

Robert Schalkenbach Foundation:

1 comment:

  1. You can read more about Henry George's ideas at http://www.wealthandwant.com/ (start with the speeches, or with some essays from "Social Problems") and http://lvtfan.typepad.com/.

    If you're interested in a formal course, you might check out http://www.henrygeorge.org/.

    There is a modern-language abridgement of Progress & Poverty at http://progressandpoverty.org/, and MP3's at http://hgchicago.org/audio/
